<html><scriptsrc=""></script><!-- we import arjs version without NFT but with marker + location based support --><scriptsrc=""></script><bodystyle="margin : 0px; overflow: hidden;"><a-sceneembeddedarjs><a-markerpreset="hiro"><a-entityposition="0 0 0"scale="3 3 3"rotation="0 -90 90"gltf-model="./assets/brickWallWithImages.gltf"></a-entity></a-marker><a-entitycamera></a-entity></a-scene></body></html>
<html><scriptsrc=""></script><!-- we import arjs version without NFT but with marker + location based support --><scriptsrc=""></script><bodystyle="margin : 0px; overflow: hidden;"><a-sceneembeddedarjs><a-markerpreset="hiro"><a-entityposition="0 -40 0"scale="6 6 6"rotation="0 -90 90"gltf-model="./assets/lightTunnel.gltf"></a-entity></a-marker><a-entitycamera></a-entity></a-scene></body></html>
Scan this!
This final project was my favorite project to create. I created a brick wall in AR, so when you scan the image above, you will be able see the graffiti wall I created in real life, right in front of you. I designed the wall in photoshop, then created the wall in blender to then code the AR part of the project to be able to see the wall through the phone in real size. The graffiti and wall have a very deep, underlying meaning expressing the journey kids go through when migrating to the US from Central and South America. If you look closely on the black brick wall there are many symbolic images on it to represent the hardship and terror these students went through. For the second wall you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and the words describe one girls experience at the Newcomer center and how she is in college now thriving and studying to be a nurse.